Översätt geniality från engelska till rumänska - Redfox Lexikon


turn to the .. in English translates to vika av åt in Swedish - see

‘I doubt that anyone, even someone with the president's geniality and popularity could get much through the Senate these days.’. Relating to the mind. 2. Relating to the chin.

Geniality def

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vänlighet. to foster. befrämja, fostra. repercussion.

turn to the .. in English translates to vika av åt in Swedish - see

2. Relating to the chin.

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Geniality def

to quell. dämpa. Cohesion. sammanhållning.

he was endowed with geniality and good humour. #happy #good #booty #humour #funny. by stopRAVEN December 25, 2014. Get a geniality mug for your dog Beatrix. Alphabetical list.
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a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) Familiarity information: GENIALITY used as a noun is very rare. Consideration was in it, and understanding, and that kind of geniality that offers itself on a plain business footing, a commercial heartiness that has no nonsense about it. The Imperialist German village, with the small earnings and spendings, the narrow sphere of life and experience, and the great vintage of geniality which is laid up from youth to age, and handed down with the old wine from Définitions de geniality, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de geniality, dictionnaire analogique de geniality (anglais) Definition of geniality noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. What does genially mean?

Conducive to life, growth, or comfort; mild: "the genial sunshine .. Geniality: the state or quality of having a pleasant or agreeable manner in socializing with others. Synonyms: affability, agreeability, agreeableness… Antonyms: disagreeableness, unpleasantness… Find the right word.

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Uttal av geniality: Hur man uttalar geniality på engelska - Forvo

see less. types: condescendingness, condescension.